SaldivarTeam Realtors - Realty Company

7721 Armour Dr, Hemet, California, 92545

SaldivarTeam Realtors is a licensed real estate corporation in the city of Hemet, California. SaldivarTeam Realtors has real estate license number 02026833 which was issued by California Real Estate Department on 13 February, 2017. The current status of license is Licensed (Active) and it is valid till 12 February, 2021. The official mailing address of SaldivarTeam Realtors is 7721 Armour Dr, Hemet, California, 92545.

Designated broker / officer for SaldivarTeam Realtors (License No. 02026833) is Eileen M Saldivar (License No. 01892808). SaldivarTeam Realtors is a real estate corporation and employs 2 salespersons as sales agents. Licensed real estate professionals / entities are also commonly referred to as real estate agents or Realtors.

Realtor's Profile

NameSaldivarTeam Realtors
CredentialsReal Estate Corporation
Complete Address7721 Armour Dr,
Hemet, California 92545
County Name & CodeRiverside County (County Code: 33)

California Real Estate License

License Number02026833
License TypeReal Estate Corporation
License Status Licensed (Active)
License Effective Date13 February, 2017
License Expiry Date12 February, 2021

Designated Broker or Managing Broker

A business entity cannot act as a broker in California unless the entity designates an active individual broker to act on its behalf. Eileen M Saldivar is a designated broker for SaldivarTeam Realtors.

Designated BrokerEileen M Saldivar
Designated Officer TypeDesignated Officer
License Number01892808

Sales Agents for SaldivarTeam Realtors

As per our records, there are 2 real estate agents who are currently working for SaldivarTeam Realtors. Licensed sales agents in California can work only on behalf of licensed real estate broker or corporation.

Employee NameCredentialsLicense Number
Shannon Lee RamseySalesperson01700844
Address Location for SaldivarTeam Realtors
Real Estate Corporations in Hemet, CA

2433 E Florida Ave, Hemet, CA 92544
Rosenthal & Excell Commercial Real Estate Services Inc

1600 E Florida Ave Ste 110, Hemet, CA 92544
The Culton Corporation

990 W Florida Ave, Hemet, CA 92543
TIERRA WEST Commercial Real Estate & Development Services

Po Box 5458, Hemet, CA 92544-0458
Mission Grove Real Estate Inc

340 N San Jacinto Ste #b, Hemet, CA 92543
Samir & Associates Inc

333 E Florida Ave, Hemet, CA 92543
New Century Realty & Investment Inc

211 N State St Ste 206, Hemet, CA 92543
Cathy Bates Inc

27310 Columbia St, Hemet, CA 92544
What is a Real Estate License?

Real estate licenses in US are issued by state government through agencies like real estate commission or board of professional licensing. These licenses provide agents and brokers the legal ability to represent a home seller or buyer in the process of buying or selling real estate. Real estate agents, real estate brokers and realty companies are required to be licensed for conducting real estate transactions in the United States.

Who is a Real Estate Broker?
A Real Estate Broker is an individual or entity that performs the services of real estate on behalf of another person, for compensation (usually in the form of commission or brokerage). Broker license is mandatory for law fully conducting real estate broking business as well.

Who is a Real Estate Salesperson?
Salesperson or Sales Associates are real estate professionals who are allowed to perform the real estate services on behalf of another person, for compensation (in the form of commission or brokerage), but only at the direction and control of a real estate broker.